Bringing storytelling to the computer arena means you can more easily share and distribute your stories. Digital stories can be watched on your television set with DVDs; they can be stored online on family genealogy sites, or added as links in books that soon will be accessible on e-book. Book lovers—which are most of us–can create hardback books that can be updated and reprinted. You can even make them available on Amazon, and on the Kindle.
Cathy is a third-generation regular in Worland, who as journalist, novelist, magazine editor, and online producer, crossed the mountains to see the world and always returns home. She recently completed graduate certification in Digital Storytelling from the University of Colorado-Denver, in a joint program with the Center for Digital Storytelling in Berkeley, California. Cathy’s professional expertise (National Geographic Society, Amèricas Magazine), technical expertise (Reuters Digital Vision Fellow at Stanford University) and volunteer interests (international, K-12 collaborative projects) merge to link people and their stories.
Hooray! I’m glad this project is happening. I’m excited to hear more about the presentations that occur from this project, too!